The Best Forms to Take CBD Oil: Ways and Facts

There is a craze over CBD in the health and wellness industry. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis that delivers nearly all the touted benefits of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) without getting you high. As a result, CBD appeals to anyone who wants to know all its uses and looks for soothing, relaxing, or calming benefits.  

Nowadays, you can hardly find anyone who has not heard of CBD and its related products, from pills, gummies, and everything in between. However, it does not mean that everyone has all the facts.  

By the end of this CBD oil guide, you will know the facts about CBD products and learn how to determine the most effective way to take CBD for your specific needs. 

The 7 Best Ways to Take CBD Oil  

If you have decided to give CBD a whirl and are wondering where to start? Consider yourself one of the lucky connoisseurs. That is because the list of ways to take CBD oil to experience its amazing effects is endless!  

However, when it comes to consuming CBD to maximize its benefits, it largely depends on the effects you are looking for.  

1.     CBD Tinctures 

CBD tinctures are made using an alcohol-based solution, oil, glycerin, or vinegar to extract the desired compounds from hemp plants. They are the best option for those looking for fast relief.  

Tinctures come with a child-resistant dropper that you can use to place a controlled dose under your tongue. You will need to hold the tincture there for up to 1-2 minutes before swallowing.  

Because there are numerous capillaries under your tongue, the CBD is absorbed efficiently and almost instantly across the thin membrane directly into your bloodstream.  

You will feel the effects in as little as 15 minutes. However, they will only last between 4-6 hours. Taking CBD sublingually provides a higher bioavailability in comparison with edibles since your body absorbs nearly 35% of CBD content.  

One drawback with CBD tinctures is that holding them in your mouth subjects you to its intense bitterness. However, you can mask the bitterness by taking the tincture alongside a chocolate bar or suck on some mint right before taking the tincture.  

2.     CBD Capsules 

CBD capsules are another great way of ingesting CBD oil. They are ideal for users looking to maintain a consistent amount of CBD in their bodies. Sometimes, the capsules may contain other essential ingredients to complement CBD effects. 

The best thing about capsules is that they can be designed to meet specific needs. When you consume pills, they pass through the digestive system and liver, where enzymes break them down before they are absorbed into the bloodstream.  

When enzymes break the compound down, some of it is lost so that your body utilizes 20-30% of your CBD concentration. Like edibles, it takes capsules upwards of 30 minutes to deliver its effects, and they can last for up to 12-24 hours.  

3.     CBD Edibles 

Edibles refer to CBD-infused foods and snacks. Taking CBD in sweet treats like cookies, gummies, truffles, candies, or chocolate bars is ideal for those looking to take a measured dosage of CBD. Edibles are the best way to measure your CBD intake in milligrams.  

CBD edibles also come in different flavors to mask the 'weedy' taste of hemp. Once consumed, the CBD passes through the digestive tract and the liver, where it is metabolized before being absorbed into the bloodstream.  

Hence, it can take anywhere between 30-60 minutes to realize edible effects, and they can last in your system for up to 12-24 hours. Studies show that your body absorbs 20%-30% of the CBD in your edible. So, if you eat a 100mg CBD candy, you'll only absorb up to 20-30mg CBD.  

4.     Adding CBD Oil in Salad Dressing 

Adding CBD in salad dressing is the best way to ingest CBD for those looking to avoid the sugars and preservatives in most edibles. 

The best thing about using CBD at home to enjoy its beneficial properties is that you're not restricted to salad dressings alone. Instead, you can add your preferred amount of CBD oil drops in smoothies, coffee, ice creams, or stir it into your soup.  

Just like edibles, the CBD will travel through the digestive tract before being absorbed by the body. Its effects will be felt in about 30-60 minutes and last for 6-8 hours. 

5.     CBD Vapes 

Vaping has gained a lot of popularity lately, and it's quickly replacing smoking flowers. That's because, unlike smoking which delivers unfiltered clouds of smokes into your lungs, vaping CBD involves heating a CBD tincture or concentrated oil in a vape cartridge or pen. The oil is then vaporized so that you inhale a CBD vapor.  

When inhaled, the vapor is directly absorbed into the bloodstream and the rest of your body through the lungs. Effects kick in quickly, and you can feel them in about 2-5 minutes. It makes vapes ideal for people needing fast relief. However, the effects will not last long in your body.  

While starting with a large dosage may not expose you to any serious side effects, it's still better to begin with a small dose and gradually work your way up. There is no recommendation of how much of your CBD you should vape daily.  

6.     CBD Topicals 

CBD topicals are made for direct application on the skin. They come in the forms of CBD salves, balms, oils, lotions, or creams. Some topicals, especially those used to help with acne and other skin conditions, are infused with additional natural ingredients to offer a unique yet effective combination of moisturizing effects

Since the topicals are absorbed through the skin into your body, the onset of effects is delayed. You can wait for up to 15-20 minutes to feel the soothing and relieving benefits, and they can linger in your system for 5 hours.  

7.     CBD Drinks

Can you drink CBD oil? Oh yes, now you can! CBD drinks are a recent addition to the beverages world. For many years, companies have been toying with the concept of infusing CBD in beverages. But all attempts were dead in the water. Why? Cannabinoids are highly lipophilic, meaning they are attracted to lipids but do not readily mix with water or beverages.  

Now, the latest technologies and methodologies have provided a solution. Companies can now homogenously dissolve CBD in beverages or water to make CBD drinks from sparkling water, non-alcoholic wines, tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages like beers.  

When you consume CBD drinks, they pass through the digestive tract and liver. However, unlike edibles which must first be broken down into tiny molecules to be absorbed, CBD drinks skip this process and are readily absorbed into the bloodstream.   

Hence, while edibles take upwards of 30 minutes to kick in, CBD drinks deliver their powerful effects in about 5-30 minutes. It takes your body 33-48 hours to dispel all waste products, meaning you can potentially feel CBD drink effects two days after consumption.  

It makes drinking the best way to absorb CBD for long-term effects. However, we advise treating CBD drinks with caution and start with minimal amounts.  

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