Five Common Myths About Marijuana

Starting when marijuana was first outlawed in the 1930s there have been rumors and myths surrounding the cannabis plant – and while some of these myths have been proven to be true, many more have been proven false. Some of these false myths are still being perpetuated by prohibitionists as a reason to keep cannabis as a Schedule I drug in the Controlled Substances Act.

This week, as we prepare for the unofficial cannabis holiday 4/20 this Friday, we have decided to look at five of the more common myths surrounding marijuana – and the possible truth behind them.

Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells?

An age-old argument – that cannabis kills brain cells – has been one of the go-to claims made by prohibitionists over the years. However, after decades of uncertainty, multiple studies including one from the University of Louisville and one Cambridge University have found that using of marijuana – even long-term use – does not kill off brain cells.

Is Marijuana Addictive?

Another argument that prohibitionists like to fall back on is that marijuana is addictive – with some even going as far as to call cannabis a narcotic. Unlike drugs like cocaine, heroin and even legal drugs like prescription opiates, all of which are highly physically addictive, causing withdraw symptoms in regular users, marijuana has no physically addictive properties. While it is possible for people to grow mentally dependent on cannabis, it is not possible to be “addicted” in the way one might think.

Did George Washington Really Grow Weed at the White House?

This one is interesting because it may not be true – but it’s not entirely false. No, George Washington didn’t grow weed at the white house – but he did have a cannabis crop there. However, rather than being the potent psychoactive plants used for medicinal purposes, it was the plants low-THC twin, the hemp plant. Hemp was actually a very important crop in early American history.

Are “the munchies” a real thing?

You may have had someone try to tell you at one point or another that the munchies – the incredible hunger that hits shortly after smoking, vaping or otherwise consuming some dank bud – aren’t real. Anyone who has had the munchies can attest to the fact that it is a real phenomenon, but now science backs the anecdotal evidence.

Is Weed Stronger Now Than It Used to Be?

Our last myth for today is that “weed is stronger now than it used to be” – another claim that is frequently made by those who are against legalization. Interestingly, this one is not entirely disproven – but rather looked at from a new angle. An associate professor from John Hopkins University admits that THC concentration and potency of plants may be stronger than it used to be – but that doesn’t mean people are getting higher – in fact, they likely smoke less to achieve the same buzz that the hippies did back in the 60s and 70s.

Thank you for joining us on this adventure, sifting through cannabis related fact and fiction. Keep an eye out for our next blog post, where we discover how “4/20” became the unofficial stoner holiday, and who coined the term in the first place.