5 Best Supplements for More Energy

Energy levels need to be maintained to be able to power through the many tasks of the day. There are many ways to do this, including eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and sleeping adequate hours every night.  

But sometimes these are not enough. Energy supplements provide an extra boost of vitamins and minerals to combat fatigue and allow you to cope with daily life demands.  

This article explores 5 natural supplements for energy, including the best CBD oil to help you get the most out of your day.

How to Have More Energy

Many tiredness cases are caused by stress, lack of sleep, low diet, and other lifestyle factors. If fatigue is causing your lack of energy, energy supplements may be what you need to get back on track.

What Supplements Give You Energy?

The following energy supplements can come in natural or capsule forms. Each has its health benefits depending on your body’s requirements to improve energy or the nutrients you lack.


Also known as CBD, cannabidiol is a naturally-occurring compound in the cannabis plant. It is commonly used for its possible pain-relieving, anti-anxiety, and sleep-enhancing properties. CBD may be useful in improving your energy levels by addressing these underlying issues. 

There is also some research that CBD may promote wakefulness in some people, but more definitive studies must be performed to confirm this. At the moment, it appears that the best use for CBD as an energy supplement is for improving other factors that affect your overall energy levels. 

The best CBD oil for energy can be commonly purchased as capsules, gummies, beverages, and tinctures. It can also come in its raw flower form that can be added as an ingredient in the food.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin. It is just one of eight B vitamins that your body uses to convert the food you eat into glucose, which produces energy. Vitamin B12 can be naturally found in animal-based and fortified foods. 

As such, older people, vegetarians, and vegans are at greater risk of vitamin B12 deficiency. A lack of this particular vitamin causes anemia, resulting in an overall feeling of low energy. Typical symptoms of vitamin B12 weakness include: 

●     Shakiness

●     Muscle weakness

●     Stiff muscles

●     Muscle spasticity

●     Fatigue

●     Incontinence

●     Low blood pressure

●     Disturbances in mood

Vitamin B12 energy supplements are available as pills and tablets that dissolve under the tongue. You can also get ample amounts of it by eating the following foods: 

●     Meat

●     Fish

●     Eggs

●     Dairy products


Iron is a mineral, and a deficiency of it is another common cause of low energy. Iron carries oxygen in the hemoglobin of red blood cells and delivers it throughout the body. This enables energy production in your cells.  

Iron also helps remove carbon dioxide. If you have low iron levels, you will have an insufficient number of red blood cells to carry oxygen to other parts of your body efficiently. This results in a condition known as iron deficiency anemia. 

Some people are more susceptible to iron deficiency, including: 

●     Menstruating women

●     Pregnant or breastfeeding women

●     Vegetarians and vegans

●     Those who exercise intensely, especially females

●     People who regularly donate blood  

Iron-rich foods with vitamin C can increase absorption, so vulnerable people are encouraged to consume enough fruits and vegetables, mostly citrus fruits and leafy greens. Iron is also available as an energy supplement in pill form.


L-theanine is an amino acid that is most commonly found in green tea and select mushrooms. It helps support healthy levels of neurotransmitters like GABA, dopamine, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters affect your state of happiness and your ability to cope with the challenges of everyday life. 

Taking green tea for its L-theanine is an excellent natural remedy to help cope with everyday stress. Similarly, L-theanine can help improve cognition, concentration, and also increase your energy while also increasing relaxation. 

Since tea has caffeine, which can cause unwanted side effects like jitters and trouble sleeping, you may want to consider standalone L-theanine energy supplements instead.


Lastly, magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It is involved in hundreds of essential biochemical reactions in the body, including energy creation, protein formation, gene maintenance, muscle movements, and regulation of the nervous system.  

However, even though magnesium plays a critical role in the body, about half of the US and European populations get less than the recommended daily amounts. 

Magnesium also boosts exercise performance by moving blood sugar in your muscles and getting rid of lactate, causing fatigue. It can also improve brain function and help fight depression.  

This study explored the possibility that the low levels of magnesium in modern diets cause depression and mental illness. Magnesium also lowers blood pressure, has benefits against type 2 diabetes, contains anti-inflammatory properties, and helps prevent migraines.  

Magnesium is an essential vitamin for energy that can lead to a better quality of life and more effective stress responses. It can be naturally found in the following foods: 

●     Dark chocolate

●     Black beans

●     Cooked quinoa

●     Almonds

●     Mackerel

●     Salmon

●     Avocados 

Magnesium is also available as an energy supplement in pill form. The best forms of magnesium that are well-absorbed by the body include magnesium citrate, glycinate, orotate, and carbonate.

Final Thoughts

There are many natural energy supplements that you can take to give you the boost you need throughout the day. Instead of reaching for sugar-loaded energy drinks, consider taking natural CBD sources, vitamin B12, L-theanine, iron, and magnesium instead. 

As these energy boosters contain many other beneficial compounds, taking them can have health benefits not just in the short term but also in the long term. They can help you address your tiredness’s core issues and enhance your stress response for overall better quality of life.

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