Do Men and Women Use Vape Products Differently?

Vaping is a new technology that has gained prominence since its introduction in the US market in 2007.  Men and women widely embrace vaping products. According to the facts available from different studies, men and women do not use this product the same way. Millennials prefer vaping to other nicotine delivery systems. Apart from that, vaping is among the most popular methods used by adults in the United States to shift from bad habits. 

This article aims at establishing the disparity in the way men and women use vape products. Research has shown that vapes do not stimulate the same receptor in men and women's brains, which means that they will have different effects based on gender.  

Therefore, it is safe to assume that this disparity is partly because vape products affect men and women differently. As of 2018, about 53 percent of adults in the United States have used different vape devices.  This estimate comprises about 60 percent of females and 40 percent males, which suggests that more females had tried vape products than males. 

Study on Gender Disparity in the Use of Vape Products

An online survey was conducted between August and November 2013. It aimed to determine gender differences in the use of vape devices. The study looked into several factors, including patterns of use, maintenance, initiations, among others. 

This study was published in January 2016 in Volume 52 of the scientific journal Addictive Behavior. Precisely, volume fifty-two of Addictive Behavior. The study features over 1800 product users. These participants were over 18 years and had been using other nicotine delivery systems continuously for a minimum of a year.  All of them used a vape pen in the past four weeks. 

What are the Results?

The outcomes of the study were surprising. There was a remarkable gender difference in the use of vape products.  The areas where there are significant differences include:

●        Place of purchase

●        e-liquid flavor

●        Source of information

●        Kinds of vaping device used

●        Reasons for vaping

The outcome of the results are as follows:

●        Men shifted to vaping due to health reasons

●        Family and friends recommend the use of vape product to most females

●        Men use vaping products because they enjoy them

●        Mostly women use the product to manage their moods and reduce stress

●        Male users rate it high for social facilitation and taste.

What type of vape device do Men and Women Use?

Considering the results of the study highlighted above, it suffices to conclude that men and women use different vape products.  There are gender disparities in brands, flavors, the dosage of nicotine, and the type of vape device. 

As mentioned above, most female users learn about vaping products from their family and friends. Apart from that, they also get to know about this product from gas stations, advertisements on TV, among other places. Men do not learn about the product from these sources. They get their recommendations from online communities, forums, and social media. 

Based on a research study, male users are more likely to use vape products in areas where the use of other nicotine delivery systems is forbidden. 

Female users are more likely to buy Beard Vape Co and tend to go for strong flavors, low nicotine content, and non-disposable vape pens.

Why Do People Vape?

Now that we have established the gender difference in the use of vaping products, it is wise to look into why people vape.

As established earlier, male users are likely to buy vape devices because of the social components. Apart from that, they enjoy various flavors. On the contrary, female users are more likely to switch to vape products because their friends or family members recommend it. The pertinent question is: why do people take to vaping?  The research led by John Ayers gives the answers to this question. 

A study at Diego State University involves analyzing over three million tweets. The tweet spans from 2012 to 2015. The researcher explained each tweet and categorized them.  The researcher found seven reasons why people vape. These reasons are as follows:

●        Safety

●        Low Cost

●        Flavor Choice

●        Social image

●        Ability to use indoor

●        Quitting of other nicotine delivery methods

●        Favorable odor

The analysis of the tweets suggests that people use vaping products because of the seven reasons highlighted above. Forty-three percent of the tweets show that people switched to vaping to reduce nicotine dependence.  

Furthermore, about 21 percent switched to vaping because of social media influences. According to the point we made earlier, men tend to learn about their vaping preferences on online forums.

According to the findings, 17 percent tend to buy vape because they can use it indoor. 

The 2015 tweets analysis shows that less than 30 percent of people use vape products because they quit other nicotine delivery systems. At the same time, 37 percent take to vaping because of social image.

About 17 percent of people vape because it is suitable for indoor use.

Based on the findings, we discovered that the reasons why people vape changes with time.

Facts You Need to Know About Gender Disparity as Related to the Use of Vape Products.

Based on the results of various studies conducted to establish the difference in how men and women use vape products, we have made the following conclusions:

●        Women tend to use vape products for weight control and mood management, although there’s not much research into these areas yet.

●        Men are more likely to be more habit-forming.

●        The gender differences in the use of vape products seem to be small.  

●        Women use vape pens as a result of social influences.

●        Men learn more about the use of vape products through online forums.


There are notable gender differences in the use of various vaping products. This is evident from the outcome of the study on gender disparity in the use of vape products. 

Based on the study conducted, it suffices to conclude that women tend to use this product more than men, while men have a higher tendency of becoming addicted. Furthermore, female users prefer low nicotine content, non-disposable devices, and more robust flavors.

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