Tips To Help Ease Your Pain: How People Use Hemp

Pain is one of the most common health concerns that we experience. The levels of pain vary from mild to excruciating and often subsides when the source of the pain has been treated. While pain can be the result of injuries, muscle overuse, or disease, there is also the kind of pain that does not go away with home remedies and over-the-counter painkillers - chronic pain.  

Millions of people around the world suffer from chronic pain and are often using specialized medication and treatment to relieve their pain. Although the usual medications for chronic pain are effective, some people are concerned about their long-term use and their effects on the kidneys and liver. Hemp-based products are becoming popular among chronic pain patients due to their effectiveness in relieving various types of pain and mild side effects. Some tips on how to use hemp products to help ease pain will be shared here for those seeking natural and safe alternatives for pain relief. 

Check for Effective Routes of Administration 

Hemp products have become more diversified over the years. They are now manufactured as food products, beverages, supplements, and cosmetics. Thus, marijuana or hemp can be taken orally, sublingually (under the tongue), smoked, vaporized, or applied topically (as oil, ointment, or cream). For pain management, these routes of administration are viable options depending on the preference of users, but the effectiveness may vary. Smoking and vaping are convenient ways of ingesting THC or CBD - two potent cannabinoids with pain-relieving properties. Studies show that the respiratory route, utilized when smoking or vaping, delivers rapid effects, but also dissipates quickly. In addition, these studies also show that the oral route delivers longer-lasting effects but takes time before it is felt. Following this study, cannabis product makers from delta 8 recommend these two routes of administration for treating different kinds of pain. Like many hemp product manufacturers, they specialize in making products like vapes and gummies. Hemp or marijuana-based products are not only for customers seeking recreation but also for those seeking medical benefits, particularly pain relief. 

Introduce Hemp as a Cooking Ingredient 

A creative and delicious way of taking in the benefits of hemp is to add it to your favorite foods or introduce it as a new ingredient to your home-cooked meals. Hemp, especially in its herbal or raw form, has a distinct taste that not everyone may find appealing, so mixing it with other food flavors can help you ingest it orally without issues. Note that dosing can be difficult when cooking hemp because it needs specialized measuring devices. To be on the safe side, start with small amounts to get accustomed to the effects of CBD or THC. Also, do not overcook the food as it can reduce the cannabinoid content and potency of hemp. It is especially true with brownies, cookies, and other baked treats. As mentioned earlier, the effects of cannabinoids manifest slowly, so take small amounts and have large time intervals between servings. When introducing hemp in your meals, eat moderate servings of food and try moving around a bit to aid in the easier digestion and circulation of hemp. 

Introduce Hemp in Your Drinks 

The versatility of the application of hemp-based products goes even into beverages. There are plenty of drinks that can take in and add hemp into their flavor blends. Coffee and tea are popular options as they mask the strong herbal hint of hemp. CBD oil or hemp milk are added to these drinks to enhance their flavor and add health benefits like anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.

THC and CBD-infused soft drinks and alcoholic drinks are popular among pleasure-seekers and those looking for natural health remedies and alternative treatment options. These flavorful and interesting mixes are easier to ingest, even for people with sensitive palates. CBD-infused soda gives a touch of leafy flavor to the sweet drink without significantly altering its taste. Vodka, gin, and other alcoholic drinks dampen the herbal taste of hemp while also gaining a new variation in their flavors. CBD or THC-infused alcoholic drinks can serve as tonic drinks due to the myriad benefits they give. However, various studies have not yet reached a consensus on the effectiveness of CBD and THC-infused drinks in managing pain. Some studies claim that sweetened beverages mixed with hemp help prolong the positive health effects on the body by slowing down blood circulation and allowing it to stay longer in the bloodstream. Other studies have opposite claims, where they think that sugar reduces the absorption of cannabinoids. The same disparity of reports can be observed in studies about alcoholic drinks infused with CBD or THC. The liver breaks down alcohol into simpler substances, and CBD or THC might also undergo such a process, potentially affecting its effectiveness. Nevertheless, these studies need further verification and a larger sample or trial before they can be established. 

Apply Hemp Topically 

For those worried about ingesting medications, especially individuals trying alternative treatment options for the first time, topical application is perhaps the safest solution available. If the painful areas in your body are within reach and superficial (only involving the skin, muscle, or nerves), applying hemp oil, lotion, or cream on these areas can help alleviate the pain. Another safe thing about the topical application is it is visible and easy to monitor for desired or adverse results. If your pain starts to dissipate and the swelling subsides, you can easily observe that the topical treatment works. If you observe rashes, irritation, or no improvement after using the product several times, you can immediately discontinue using it. Lastly, the topical route has the mildest side effects or complications, so put your worries aside when using topical hemp products. 

The wonders and benefits of hemp continue to unravel, and it is only a matter of time before these products become fully mainstream and global. Pain is a significant concern for many people worldwide, and hemp is a remarkable natural remedy. Hemp products take many forms and varieties, and their versatile applications and consumption make them popular with many people. Hopefully, with some notable examples of using hemp discussed here, you make a confident switch to natural options for managing or treating your pain problems. 

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