The Do's and Don'ts of Buying Cannabis Online

Buying cannabis online has become increasingly popular. Those who want to buy cannabis online do so for a variety of reasons, some of which include: the convenience of being able to use the product without the risk of getting caught, avoiding the social stigma surrounding the use of cannabis, and avoiding the high cost of purchasing it from a medical dispensary. Whatever the reasons for wanting to buy online, there are some fundamental points that you should consider.

Do Buy For Quality

When buying cannabis from anywhere, quality should be your number one concern. It doesn't matter if you are purchasing it for medical reasons or recreational ones; you should always have quality on your mind when shopping. To get the best quality available, you must ensure that you buy from reputable dispensaries that rigorously test their product or send it to a third-party lab for review. Established online dispensary My Bud Place states that they source their product from high-quality growers, allowing them to guarantee its safety and potency. You should be on the lookout for such a statement, and you can learn a lot about how your dispensary sources and tests its cannabis by visiting their website.

Don't Buy Only For Price

This is a big one, as online shopping has made many people accustomed to searching around for the lowest price. This is due to the general nature of e-commerce, where it is often a race to the bottom to get the most customers. However, cannabis should be considered a high-end product where price should come second to quality. With that said, you shouldn't get scammed in buying the most expensive cannabis you can find, as it does have diminishing returns when it gets to a certain level, but the key takeaway is to stay away from the cheapest you can find. When it comes to something like cannabis, the quality suffers the lower in the price you go.

Do Check Legalities

There are currently only two nations that have legalized cannabis on a national level: Uruguay and Canada. Regarding Canada, it is still a controlled substance in a similar vein to alcohol and tobacco. Therefore, age limits still apply. There are different age limits in each province, either 18 or 19 years old, and to further muddy the waters, each region has laws surrounding the growth of plants in your home. Therefore, it is still illegal to purchase and consume cannabis if you are under age, and you must check your province or territory to find out the exact age limit.

When traveling, don't assume that all provincial laws are the same

Each province and territory has different legislation regarding the use of cannabis. Therefore, don't assume that if you buy your weed in Ontario and decide to cross provincial lines into Quebec, you will comply with the law. Always do your research before traveling and see what your rights are.

Do Your Research

Before heading directly to an online store, you should have a basic understanding of what you want to buy. This is especially true if you are a first-time buyer. Many stores will have a plethora of strains, paraphernalia, and other cannabis-related products that could be overwhelming. Additionally, you don't want one bad experience to harm your future cannabis consumption. It's easy to buy a too strong strain for what you can handle, and then become put off for life. If you are starting, you should find a strain that is suitable for your requirements. As a general guide, there are three varieties to choose from: 

  1. Sativa: Sativa Cannabis is a strain of cannabis that has a characteristic uplifting and energizing effect. It is very versatile as you can use it to treat multiple medical conditions, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, and chronic pain.

  2. Indica: Indica Cannabis is a type of cannabis typically used because it creates feelings of sleepiness and sedation. It also has a higher level of CBD, which is often used to alleviate certain medical conditions. However, you should note that a higher CBD level doesn't necessarily mean less THC.

  3. Hybrid: This type is a mixture of the two previous ones and tends to balance the euphoric feelings of Sativa with the mellow sense of Indica. Most beginners will head straight for hybrids, but it is worth buying several strains when you are staring out to see how they each make you feel.

Do Check Reviews

The best way to check if a dispensary is a worthwhile place to spend your money, you should check out online reviews of the business. These should be easy to find, and in most cases, the better stores will showcase their customer reviews directly on their site. In addition, you can type the name of the shop plus "reviews' into a search engine, which should provide you with enough information to make an informed choice.

Don't Buy From Unknown Dispensaries

Although it is rare to buy from entirely unknown places, it can still happen as plenty of people are willing to con others out of their money. Some things you can do to ensure it is an actual dispensary is to check out the reviews as mentioned previously, but also to check contact details. When you cannot find an email address or phone number to contact them, that should be your first warning sign. All professional and respectable online cannabis stores should have a way to contact them. In the best-case scenario, they should have a phone number that you can contact directly.

Do Check That They Have A Range Of Products

This point is not a deal-breaker, but it makes life more convenient for you if they stock a range of products and accessories. You might want to try CBD oil in a vape pen, for example. Having all these items available at once would make the buying process easier.

Don't Buy If They Don't Have A Returns Policy

While many places might not accept returns on the cannabis itself, they should offer a return policy on other products if they are delivered or damaged. In addition, there should be some sort of redress if your product does not show up. 

Buying cannabis is easier than ever these days with the advent of online shopping. Nevertheless, you should ensure that you purchase the highest quality and do some research before getting your credit card.

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