Cannabidiol and Diabetes: Can CBD Oil Rebalance Blood Sugar?

Medical researches continue expanding due to the need for safe, natural, and reliable treatment regimens. For this reason, cannabidiol (CBD) is attracting interest from various research quarters.

What Is CBD?

Drug manufacturers extract cannabis oil from cannabis plants and dilute it in a carrier oils such as hemp and coconut oil. One of the aspects that make cannabidiol unique is its ability to interact with other pharmaceutical medications such as antibiotics and antidepressants.

Secondly, various scientific researches link cannabidiol with a handful of medical benefits that include:

●        Alleviating symptoms of headaches and migraines

●        Reducing stress and promoting general body relaxation

●        Combating epilepsy and periodic seizures

●        Reducing chronic pain and cell inflammation, among others

CBD and Diabetes

Both diabetes types 1 and 2 are adverse to human health due to their wide range of symptoms and effects. The disease is a threat to people across continents. In the United States of America only, over 1.5 million people are diagnosed with different types of diabetes each year. Another aspect that makes the disease a threat is because of the prediabetic characteristics that increase susceptibility to the disease.

Undoubtedly, the disease poses both social and economic impacts on society. Therefore, researchers have put much concern on structuring diabetes treatment and containment measures. Unfortunately, there is no universal treatment regimen up to this time.

People with diabetic conditions have opted to rely on conventional medication such as insulin, meglitinides, DPP-4 inhibitors such as Januvia, onglyza, GLP-1 receptors agonists such as Bydureon, among others. Such conventional drugs have potential side effects such as headaches, altered sleep patterns, that negate their impacts on managing diabetes. Due to a wide array of side effects associated with several conventional drugs, the entry of cannabidiol in the treatment of diabetes is inevitable.

What does CBD do for Diabetes?

The question of how CBD works for diabetes is recently under in-depth scientific researches that target to determine how it addresses various symptoms of diabetes. First, cannabidiol is appropriate for increasing the levels of neurotransmitter adenosine present in the brain. Such action activates the A1 and A2 adenosine receptors, which contribute to reducing cell inflammation.

Then, how is CBD good for diabetes? Unfortunately, there are insufficient scientific backings that outline direct linkages between CBD and the treatment of diabetes. However, there are linkages between cell inflammation and insulin resistance, which is one of the most common problems diabetic patients face.

The other aspect that supports the use of CBD syrup or oil for diabetes is their contributions to directly or indirectly reduce nerve pain. Such activity is possible since CBD influences cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system that regulate pain and inflammation. An excellent example of these cannabinoid receptors is the Glycine receptor that contributes to the determination of how the body perceives pain stimuli.

How You Should Use CBD for Diabetes

Endeavors to treat and manage diabetes require much effort and discipline. For instance, people living with diabetes face the need to change their diet plans and engage in regular exercise. These activities may pose challenges due to financial constraints and lack of prior proper preparedness.

Fortunately, the entry of CBD in the overall attempts to combat and manage diabetes has been a blessing in disguise bearing in mind the levels of controversies surrounding the illegality of marijuana-related products. Due to such concerns, it is vital to consider various factors before using cannabidiol or other related products. Some of the considerations include:

●        Whether there are backing from reliable medical experts

●        Whether the product is from a reliable source

●        If the CBD oil is pure or contains other components such as flavors or scents

●        The favorable CBD dosage to your body

●        The mechanisms for introducing CBD to your body, among other factors

How to Take CBD

It is reasonably easy to introduce cannabidiol to your daily therapies. Notably, this is possible due to various ways of taking CBD that include:

●        Vaporization of CBD water for diabetes

●        Topical application whereby you apply CBD balms and oils on your skin

●        Through edibles whereby CBD is infused in cakes, CBD syrups, and sweets

●        Through sublingual application whereby you put drops or CBD tinctures under the tongues for some time to allow proper absorption.

Before embarking on any of the mechanisms, it is vital to understand that there is no universal CBD dosage since its impacts vary across individuals. Therefore, you should choose the way that is appropriate for your body's metabolism and with the best absorption rate.

Final Thought

There are further background researches that are underway to determine how CBD helps to rebalance diabetes. However, in the meantime, it is crucial to put faith in reviews from other CBD users who attest to its benefits and effectiveness against diabetes. What are your thoughts on this kind of treatment?

Author’s Bio: Rae Hudson s is a health practitioner who works with many diabetes patients. She advises them to use CBD to manage the condition. However, CBD oil shouldn’t interfere with other medications.

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