7 Mind-Blowing Facts About Cannabis

The legalization of cannabis at the state level has drawn so much attention towards this herb. Now, people want to buy it, try it and want to know more about it. This herb is so mesmerizing that the more we know, the less it seems.

Some of the facts about cannabis are mind-blowing and somewhat difficult to comprehend, nonetheless, they are true. Let us find out some cool things about this amazing herb.

1.  Cannabis shows amazing healing properties.

Cannabis has been a part of ancient medicines for many health benefits. After the legalization of cannabis and FDA approval for its use, in medicines for epilepsy, its potential use in other diseases is gaining a lot of attention. Many types of research have found a positive impact on managing stress, anxiety, pain, and inflammation.

Not only this, but it also shows huge potential in treating chronic illnesses like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, PTSD, and obesity. Apart from showing potential as a curative drug, cannabis may also emerge as preventive medicine for its anti-oxidative and anti-bacterial activity. Besides this, if you are not the fan of traditional smoking or modern vaping then you may go for the best tasting CBD gummies and reap similar benefits.

2.  Cannabis can impact your memory.

Have you ever heard stories of people losing their car keys and forgetting their wallets after smoking pot and afraid it might make you lose your memory? Well, there is little to worry about that. While one may forget immediately after smoking cannabis, there are hardly any chances that it may impact your existing or any long term memory. Cannabis can get you euphoric and might alter your short term memory, but you may not get dementia for smoking weed.

3.  Cannabis can stay in your system for a month.

If you smoke once, cannabis can clear from your system in a day. If you smoke for a week, it may take a few weeks to flush out the weed from your system. But, a regular smoker may take a month or even more time to get clear. It may vary depending on the fat in the body and the metabolism of the person. Since, THC in cannabis stores in the fat cells of your body, burning your body fat is the ideal way to get rid of the remains from your body.

4.   Different weeds bring different results.

Cannabis comes in different varieties, and each of them brings about a different impact on individuals. The compounds in cannabis are known as cannabinoids; they may variate imparting a more calming effect or enhanced experience. The strains that have high levels of THC leaves one feeling high and even anxious state. While CBD dominant strains leave to have a more calming and soothing effect, you can either go for an Indica strain for a relaxed experience or Sativa for the pumped-up feeling.

5.  You cannot overdose on cannabis.

Surprise as it may come across, but there are bleak chances of getting overdosed from marijuana. Doctors aren’t sure as to how much THC in your system is likely to cause an overdose. It is believed that weed is less dangerous than many other abusive substances, including alcohol. The active cannabinoids in it, however, may cause different reactions. Some people may experience paranoia or vomiting. There are no reported deaths from solely using cannabis. While one may not overdose from it but there are chances of getting a bad reaction that might cause some side-effects like confusion, dizziness, and even psychosis in rare cases.

6.  Eating raw cannabis won’t get you much high.

Apart from the usual vaping and smoking, cannabis lovers are also trying their hands-on edible canna products like gummies and sweets. However, that does not mean that eating raw cannabis will get you the same effect. We need heating to activate the compounds present in cannabis. This process is known as decarboxylation. That is the reason preparing canna oil requires heating at a certain temperature. Eating one or two raw leaves might not give you any high at all unless you cook or even bake it.

7.  Cannabis is less harmful than cigarettes.

You already know that overdosing from Cannabis is unlikely as it is in the case of opioids. But did you know that smoking cannabis is not as harmful and cancerous as tobacco?  Studies reveal that chances of getting lung, colon, and rectal cancer are more from nicotine in tobacco than cannabis smoke.

More so, a regular cigarette smoker can end up smoking huge quantities of tobacco a day, depending on how much cigarettes they smoke. However, single cannabis sessions from a bong or a vape last longer, and the high from it may last even much longer. So, a regular cigarette smoker may end up with more tobacco in the system than cannabis in cannabis smokers.

The bottom line.

Though there is plenty of skepticism about cannabis, people are readily accepting it with open arms. Statistics show that there is a huge shift in the percentage of the population who believe that cannabis should be legalized. As many people are making use of this herb in everyday life, marijuana is all popular like never before.

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