What You Need to Know About Smoking Hemp Buds

CBD oils, topical, capsules and other products that contain Cannabidiol are becoming more and more popular. Likewise, hemp buds keep popping up in different places where they are legal. These products hog the spotlight because of its medicinal properties and recreational benefits.  

Another reason for their popularity is their ingredients. Hemp buds, for example, contain pure CBD with THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol levels under the 0.3% limit.

Hemp buds, also known as hemp flowers, CBD flowers, and CBD buds, are female hemp plant flowers. They are a major source of phytocannabinoids like Cannabidiol, which are extracted for use in producing hemp CBD products like oils. These buds are utilized in different ways – cooking, relaxation and recreation, pain relief, vaping, and smoking.

If you are planning to use and smoke hemp buds, here are some essential facts.

1. Hemp has many uses

Hemp is one of the most flexible products in the world. CBD buds are just one of its thousands of uses. Other varieties of products that use hemp include food, clothing and textile, paper, oil, paint, biofuel, biodegradable plastic, body care, and insulation. It is also a popular ingredient for animal feed.

Considered the first crop that humankind cultivated, hemp has been around for years. In fact, material created using hemp already existed more than 10,000 years ago.

2. Hemp is non-psychoactive

Many people have the misconception that hemp is marijuana, and marijuana is hemp. Although both are from the same plant species – Cannabis Sativa – the two are different in several aspects. Foremost among these is the fact that marijuana has more than 0.3% of the psychoactive compound THC, which means it can make you high and impede your cognitive function.

On the other hand, hemp contains only 0.3% or less Tetrahydrocannabinol. So, it is non-psychoactive, non-intoxicating, and non-addictive.

3. Hemp buds contain five essential cannabinoids

Cannabinoids come with significant medicinal values. They contain anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Hemp buds also have five essential cannabinoids, each one with distinctive qualities.

●     CBD or Cannabidiol is the most popular among the five and favored for its health benefits.

●     CBG or Cannabigerol is the mother of all cannabinoids.

●     CBC or Cannabichromene is ideally paired with THC for efficient pain treatment.

●     CBN or Cannabinol is a THC byproduct, but it does not give users a high. It is a sedative.

●     THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is commonly associated with the high it provides users. Consumed in small amounts (as in the case of hemp), it has benefits, primarily when used with other cannabinoids.

4. Hemp contains essential nutrients and phytonutrients

Hemp buds are also rich in essential nutrients like omega fatty acids, protein, and fiber.

Omega fatty acids are good for eye and heart health. Protein helps build and repair tissues, keep bones strong and healthy, increase metabolism, lower blood pressure, and improve muscle and mass strength. Fiber is a vital factor for controlling blood sugar levels, normalizing bowel movement, and lowering cholesterol levels.

Phytonutrients in hemp buds, specifically Terpenes, are rich in antioxidants that promote good heart health and boost joint and skin health. The five Terpenes in hemp – Linalool, Myrcene, Limonene, Humulene, and Pinene – all contribute to its pleasant flavor and scent.

5. Hemp buds give users the Entourage Effect

The cannabinoids that come together in hemp provide users with an all-in-one effect. The much-desired entourage effect is equivalent to a more exceptional and better experience and outcome because of CBD's combined effects with other cannabinoids and compounds.

6. Hemp buds are absorbed in the bloodstream faster

Smoking is more ideal than taking the hemp buds orally. Hemp buds travel fast to the bloodstream, which results in better and quicker absorption. For users, this means almost immediate relief from inflammation and pain, and a higher quality of relaxation.

7. Dosing and inhaling properly help ensure a memorable hemp buds experience

First-time users should begin using a slow dose. The effect varies for every user, so necessary adjustments are vital after the first try. Experimenting helps find the most comfortable dose.  

When it comes to smoking hemp buds, simply inhaling and exhaling smoke is not enough. Following the right inhaling, the method is essential. The proper way to inhale hemp bud smoke is to do it slowly, almost leisurely, and then taking it deeply as if filling the lungs. Large puffs are the best, too, as well as trying to hold the smoke in the lungs long enough, so large amounts of cannabinoids are absorbed.

8. Smoking hemp buds help create a relaxing feeling

The high that hemp buds give is not the same as the one that marijuana offers. There is no floating or flying feeling. What it provides is a relaxing feeling, a kind of relief as all the tensions slowly disappear. The mind is calm and quiet. Best of all, anyone who smokes hemp buds stays completely coordinated, focused, and able to perform tasks and routines without hindrances. 

If you’re planning to start smoking hemp buds, this guide is a good way to jumpstart your journey. Knowing the vital factors is a guarantee that you’re on the right path.

About the Author

Lauren Klesser is the Content Marketing Strategist for Half Day CBD, a thoughtfully-curated brand of organic hemp-derived products like CBD oils,  CBD vape and CBD  gummies, which are designed to help manage pain, anxiety, stress and sleep issues. In her spare time, she plays axe throwing and escape games with her family and friends.

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