How to Use CBD Oil for Motion Sickness

Motion sickness sucks the fun right out of any activity that involves traveling by road, rail, air, or water. Every motion sickness case is an annoying and uncomfortable situation. It is usually accompanied by feeling nauseated, but that is just one of many. Other characteristics of motion sickness manifestations include hyperventilating, tiredness, cold sweats, dizziness or loss of balance, vomiting, and hyper-production of saliva.

All of these unpleasantries are undesired by anyone, but how do they come about? And does CBD oil work for motion sickness?

The following sections will answer both questions in detail.

The Cause of Motion Sickness

Before we get into how to use CBD oil for motion sickness, you must first understand what motion sickness is, its symptoms, and possible causes of the condition.

Our bodies are ruled by a sophisticated network of organs that ensure we have stability. The elementary act of standing up is made possible by this system and it is positioned inside the ear.

By using gravity, these organs instruct the body where up and down is. Motion sickness comes when this system is disrupted. For instance, if there is a sudden movement, not giving the body a gradual induction into the change of speed, motion sickness kicks in. When this agitation occurs, these organs trigger the brain to send mixed up messages that trigger other body reactions like feeling dizzy, vomiting, and nausea.

In the real sense, these reactions are the body’s way of regaining balance and control.

Potential Causes for Motion Sickness

Inner ear infection

When the organs in the inner ear responsible for maintaining body equilibrium get damaged by infection of bacteria, viruses, or fungi, the condition is a possible outcome.

Head injury

When you experience a massive blow to the head, the impact might influence the way the body balances. The shock might be mild or severe, depending on the accident, but it is always advisable to get it checked regardless as it may result in some motion sickness symptoms.


People with parents who have the condition are likely to get it the same when they grow up.

Different Ways CBD Can Help With Motion Sickness

The success of CBD for motion sickness is attributed to the CBD molecules acting directly on the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The SNS is linked to the nervous system and plays the role of modulating the body’s reaction to stress. SNS is what facilitates the flight or fight reflex response in the face of danger.

Some things that occur are increased heart rate, increased breathing, higher intake of oxygen, a rise in blood pressure and sugar, and finally, an increase in brain activity. Now, when this response system is overloaded, motion sickness is one of the manifesting effects. CBD inhibits the SNS to overreact.

Secondly, CBD inhibits the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) production. FAAH breaks down endocannabinoid, and this consequently reduces the body’s anandamide levels. Anandamide is what activates the endocannabinoid receptors to trigger nausea. 

How to Use CBD Oil for Motion Sickness

This is the section that we will look at a few best CBD products for the sickness. Ideally, it would be great to use the best CBD concentrate to sort out motion sickness, but this delivery system will not be sufficient. So for CBD oil for seasickness or any other motion sickness, it is best to use tinctures, gummies, capsules, and topical products. These provide the best CBD health benefits related to motion sickness.

Is CBD Oil Safe?

The CBD dosage and what strength CBD oil to take will depend on your body weight as well as the bioavailability of the product. Bioavailability is the amount of CBD absorbed by the body.

You have to make sure that the product you get is legit and comes from a trusted source. Above all, make sure that you take a CBD dosage as advised by an expert, preferably a medical officer.

For CBD to work best, you should take the dosage before your scheduled trip. For example, take a capsule an hour before your flight or boat ride.

Take Away

Does CBD oil work for motion sickness?

Well, with the information discussed above, it sure does. Have you tried it yourself or know of someone who has? Tell us in the comment section below.

Author’s Bio: Rae-Rae is an ENT specialist that has dealt with many cases of motion sickness. She cured both people with mild cases and patients with chronic cases. Indeed, traditional medicine works, but CBD works better with fewer side effects.

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